

Dec 10

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Why are we switching?

A common question asked with any large change is “Why?”.  We have decided to answer it.  Simply put, we felt the time was right.  Our license with Blackboard was nearing a stage where renewal was necessary, and there were other options on the market, such as Canvas, that were slowly becoming competitive.

Through a 3 month process involving Professors, IT Employees, and volunteer students, Canvas overwhelmingly won out for a number of reasons – a few of which are listed below.

  • Its interface was more intuitive than any others – a huge plus for first time visitors
  • It is compatible with mobile devices.  No longer will you have issues using your iPad
  • Everything is centralized.  By this, we mean you login to one area, and all of your grades/assignments/due dates are listed.  No more hunting

We hope you come to enjoy this product as much as we do.  Feel free to login and explore.  A link is available at MyUSF or you can login directly at http://usflearn.instructure.com

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